Tbilisi, 15th May, 2016.
His Royal Highness Prince Davit, Crown Prince and Head of the Royal House of Georgia hosted a birthday Dinner in honour of his visiting Royal guest, His Royal Highness Dom Duarte Pio, The Duke of Braganza and Head of the Royal House of Portugal. The Duke of Braganza was on a visit to Tbilisi, capital of the State of Georgia.
Accompanied by HRH The Crown Prince of Georgia, and friends, Dom Duarte Pio of Portugal was treated to a superb banquet of traditional Georgian gastronomy and wine, which he very much enjoyed.
Duarte Pio João Miguel Gabriel Rafael was born on 15 May 1945 in Bern, Switzerland, as the first of three sons of Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza, and Maria Francisca of Orléans-Braganza. His father was the grandson of King Miguel I, while his mother was a great-granddaughter of King Pedro IV (Emperor Pedro I of Brazil), who was King Miguel I's older brother. Through his father, he is a member of the Miguelist branch of the House of Braganza. Duarte Pio's godparents were Pope Pius XII, Queen Amélie (the mother of King Manuel II, the last monarch of Portugal) and his great-aunt Infanta Adelgundes, Duchess of Guimarães.
The Royal Houses of Braganza (Portugal) and Bagration Mukhrani of Georgia (Georgia) have excellent and strong ties, which recently resulted in a visit by HRH Prince Davit, to HRH The Duke of Braganza in Portugal, and an exchange of honors between the two Royal Houses. - See more at:http://www.royalhouseofgeorgia.ge/p/eng/434/news/307/CROWN-PRINCE-DAVIT-OF-GEORGIA-HOSTS-BIRTHDAY-DINNER-FOR-HRH-DON-DUARTE-OF-PORTUGAL--IN-GEORGIA#sthash.DiZHq50J.4qNJRz8z.dpuf
His Royal Highness Prince Davit, Crown Prince and Head of the Royal House of Georgia hosted a birthday Dinner in honour of his visiting Royal guest, His Royal Highness Dom Duarte Pio, The Duke of Braganza and Head of the Royal House of Portugal. The Duke of Braganza was on a visit to Tbilisi, capital of the State of Georgia.
Accompanied by HRH The Crown Prince of Georgia, and friends, Dom Duarte Pio of Portugal was treated to a superb banquet of traditional Georgian gastronomy and wine, which he very much enjoyed.
Duarte Pio João Miguel Gabriel Rafael was born on 15 May 1945 in Bern, Switzerland, as the first of three sons of Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza, and Maria Francisca of Orléans-Braganza. His father was the grandson of King Miguel I, while his mother was a great-granddaughter of King Pedro IV (Emperor Pedro I of Brazil), who was King Miguel I's older brother. Through his father, he is a member of the Miguelist branch of the House of Braganza. Duarte Pio's godparents were Pope Pius XII, Queen Amélie (the mother of King Manuel II, the last monarch of Portugal) and his great-aunt Infanta Adelgundes, Duchess of Guimarães.
The Royal Houses of Braganza (Portugal) and Bagration Mukhrani of Georgia (Georgia) have excellent and strong ties, which recently resulted in a visit by HRH Prince Davit, to HRH The Duke of Braganza in Portugal, and an exchange of honors between the two Royal Houses. - See more at:http://www.royalhouseofgeorgia.ge/p/eng/434/news/307/CROWN-PRINCE-DAVIT-OF-GEORGIA-HOSTS-BIRTHDAY-DINNER-FOR-HRH-DON-DUARTE-OF-PORTUGAL--IN-GEORGIA#sthash.DiZHq50J.4qNJRz8z.dpuf
Tbilisi, 15 de Maio de 2016.
Sua Alteza Real Príncipe David, príncipe herdeiro e Chefe da Casa Real da Geórgia ofereceu um jantar de aniversário em honra da sua visita e convidado real, Sua Alteza Real D. Duarte Pio, Duque de Bragança e Chefe da Casa Real de Portugal. O Duque de Bragança foi em uma visita a Tbilisi, capital do Estado da Geórgia.
Acompanhado por SAR O príncipe herdeiro da Geórgia, e os amigos, Dom Duarte Pio de Portugal participou num banquete magnífico da gastronomia tradicional georgiano e do vinho, que ele muito apreciou.
D. Duarte Pio João Miguel Gabriel Rafael nasceu em 15 de Maio de 1945 em Berna, Suíça, como o primeiro dos três filhos de D. Duarte Nuno, Duque de Bragança e D. Maria Francisca de Orléans-Bragança. Seu pai era o neto do Rei D. Miguel I, enquanto sua mãe era uma bisneta de D. Pedro IV (Imperador Pedro I do Brasil), que era o irmão mais velho do Rei D. Miguel I. Através de seu pai, ele é um membro do ramo miguelista da Casa de Bragança. Os padrinhos de D. Duarte Pio eram o Papa Pio XII, a rainha Amélia (a mãe de D. Manuel II, último monarca de Portugal) e sua tia-avó Aldegundes de Bragança. A Casas Reais de Bragança (Portugal) e Bagration Mukhrani da Geórgia (Geórgia) têm laços excelentes e fortes, que recentemente resultaram em uma visita feita pelo príncipe David, a SAR O duque de Bragança, em Portugal, e uma troca de honra entre as duas Casas Reais. - Veja mais em:http://www.royalhouseofgeorgia.ge/p/eng/434/news/307/CROWN-PRINCE-DAVIT-OF-GEORGIA-HOSTS-BIRTHDAY-DINNER-FOR-HRH-DON-DUARTE-OF-PORTUGAL--IN-GEORGIA#sthash.DiZHq50J.4qNJRz8z.dpuf

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